So it’s that time! We’ve finally got here! In four weeks I will be leading a team of students, and together with the Production team here at Create, we’ll be off overseas to make another film for an unreached people group. What does this mean? Well, after 12 weeks of schooling in film, and film-related media, the students (and us!?) are ready to get out there and finally create a film to communicate the love of Christ to a people group that has never heard about Jesus. How awesome is that!?
Because of the nature of the people group, I am unable to communicate in this format who we will be making the film for, but if you’d like to find out more info, you are more than welcome to email me at I’d love to tell you where we’re going! But for those following closely, I went there last year…! (And I looked like this….)
So details…?
What: An evangelistic film
Where: that’s hush hush, so email me
When: I will be leaving on the 23rd of September!? That’s crazy early!
Who: My staff and students, as well at Create Thailand staff
How: First I have to do a visa run to Kuala Lumpur, then flying over to the country!
This is an exciting opportunity, to see God move, to see people reached for Christ, and to solidify the learning the students have been undergoing. Would you consider giving to God for the extension of His Kingdom and the discipleship of his Church by helping me make this film? If so, you can donate through the GoFundMe page I have set up here:
GoFundMe page for the SFM Outreach
and if you’re in NZ you can do a straight bank transfer to this number: 03 0531 0922469 000
I have decided to use the GoFundMe system again because I had great success last time when I made a film in Nepal for the Maithili people.
You guys are awesome, thank you again for walking with me in this journey in serving our Lord!