by Carla | Aug 28, 2011 | News
carlajbrunsell’s photostream on Flickr.This is a selection of photographs from a journey up Mt. Sinai and back down again! There is an introduction video, plus photos of our adopted friend James and Bedouin guide Faraj!
by Carla | Aug 28, 2011 | News
Hello! Hello! Hello! Everytime I say this I envision the sweet little Cambodian girl named Cora hopping up and down enthusiastically as we first walked into her daycare building. I hope you are well! I hope your family is great! The year is picking up momentum as the...
by Carla | Aug 19, 2011 | News
Click here to see Video of my Southeast Asia Ministry At the Angkor Wat temples in Siem Reap Cambodia
by Carla | Aug 13, 2011 | News
Hello and salutations! I hope that this e-mail finds you and your family GREAT, and your day going well! I am writing you from my rooftop mattress section from the Citadel Hostel in Jerusalem, Israel. The view is breathtaking! The sun is just beginning to set and...
by Carla | Aug 6, 2011 | News
Shalom! Hello my dear friends and family (and to you ones that I haven’t met yet—I look forward to meeting you)! I hope this update finds you doing extremely well. Maybe you are asking God some tough questions about your future, or praising Him for the incredible ways...