carlajbrunsell’s photostream

carlajbrunsell’s photostream

carlajbrunsell’s photostream on Flickr.This is a selection of photographs from a journey up Mt. Sinai and back down again! There is an introduction video, plus photos of our adopted friend James and Bedouin guide Faraj!


Hello! Hello! Hello! Everytime I say this I envision the sweet little Cambodian girl named Cora hopping up and down enthusiastically as we first walked into her daycare building. I hope you are well! I hope your family is great! The year is picking up momentum as the...
seasons of change

seasons of change

Hello and salutations! I hope that this e-mail finds you and your family GREAT, and your day going well! I am writing you from my rooftop mattress section from the Citadel Hostel in Jerusalem, Israel. The view is breathtaking! The sun is just beginning to set and...
walking where Jesus walked

walking where Jesus walked

Shalom! Hello my dear friends and family (and to you ones that I haven’t met yet—I look forward to meeting you)! I hope this update finds you doing extremely well. Maybe you are asking God some tough questions about your future, or praising Him for the incredible ways...