India and some Israel with a taste of Thailand

praying for my brothers

This week I had a one on one with Anna. We met up and decided to go to the bakery for our time together. A meeting about future plans, reflections, and whatever else came up. As we were walking into the bakery in Darjeeling India I saw a man sitting cross legged in...
India and some Israel with a taste of Thailand

tying a ribbon atop a beautiful gift

Hello there! I hope this update finds you and your family well–super well! Thank you for your  continued prayers and support, for linking arms with me. I am typing this in the Kolkatta airport in India. Our flight has been delayed so I am taking...
India and some Israel with a taste of Thailand

winding down

Hello dearest ones! I hope this e-mail finds you well. That your hearts are rested, the works you do with your hands blessed, and your days balanced with both meaning and fun! Sunday was our officially our last day of ministry for the outreach portion of lecture...