thoughts about modern day fig leaves

thoughts about modern day fig leaves

Reflections and words from our lectures about the Father heart of God last week with Richard Jones and Helen Bately:We’re called to childlike trust. Revelation of God as Father is worth giving it ALL for– Gods’ love is both life-giving, and life-changing.There...
thoughts about modern day fig leaves

a delightful scavenger hunt and a sweet, sweet song

To my Dearest Dears!The other night, our class was welcomed with a scavenger hunt game! YES! We were broken down into 2 people teams. Each of the teams was assigned an animal, and you were only allowed to communicate with one another using that animal noise. I was on...
thoughts about modern day fig leaves

a special little group

The small group that I have been assigned to is undoubtedly and unarguably God ordained. I have been praying for these relationships since I was accepted into the YWAM Oxford Around-the-World-in-80-days Discipleship Training School. I am so thankful for the men and...
thoughts about modern day fig leaves

A week BURSTING with goodness!

Hello! Good day! And Salutations friends and families!I hope that you are all well (actually I hope that you are FANTASTIC!)!  While you are going to work, meeting daily demands, and spending time with both friends and family? I hope your lives are filled with...
thoughts about modern day fig leaves

thoughts from time spent in an airport

Every few moments there is an announcement that comes over the intercom system “Attention passengers: now boarding flight Qf….”or “final call for….” I am sitting in the Sydney Airport in Sydney Australia after safely landing.  Deep breath. I drink the strong...