These Streets

These Streets

From my car or on my feet, Oh Nashville. You are a gorgeous city.I like the whimsical and curious seed pods that flutter to your sidewalks. You are filled with such beautiful people who are from so many places!Oh, Nashville.I like you and all the...
Touching Abandonment

Touching Abandonment

My devotional this morning was titled, “Abandonment.” Okay. So, I’m a tad ridiculous. I am.  And as I read my daily devotional I am automatically forming this to-do list in my brain. The day’s title becomes the task and beside...
Waffle Sunday

Waffle Sunday

One ritual that marks every Sunday at my parents’ house is a waffle breakfast. My step-dad wakes up before everyone, including Paddlefoot our dachshund. He mixes the batter. The waffle iron is heated up. The coffee maker gets plugged in so the beautiful...
Vulnerable Thoughts

Vulnerable Thoughts

Recently the conversations I have had dance and twirl and spin around the topic of vulnerability. I am not referring to taking up a magnifying glass to inspect the actual definition of the word, but rather a whole hearted attempt at being open, honest, real. Why am I...

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability

) Hey guys! This is a fascinating and inspiring talk by Brene Brown. She talks about the importance of connection to others and how shame (the fear of disconnection) creates isolation in our lives. If you have twenty minutes I recommend giving her a...