I Don’t Swoon Often

I Don’t Swoon Often

I’m at Create International!? So it’s 1:12am (finished at 2…) in the morning, and I struggle to find peace between my forehead and cheeks. I just went and saw the new Superman film. Very good, soundtrack was amazing, cinematography gets good ups, the...
Having Many Irons in the Fire

Having Many Irons in the Fire

Apparently, “having many irons in the fire” is a synonym for being busy. My fourth day at Create was like that. Today was quite a prestigious day for all of those involved in the creation of the WorkbooksPioneer venture that is the birthchild of the great...
God is good with the small things.

God is good with the small things.

People often ask how the heck I am able to stay in Thailand, and I always say that God provides, He keeps His promises and we don’t go in need while we serve Him, He is full of blessings. And wow, the past few days I have certainly been blessed! So much so, I...
Finished DTS!

Finished DTS!

So DTS is finished! For those who don’t know, all of those who join YWAM, whether a student, a doctor, or a garbage disposal guy, go through a Discipleship Training School. My one was six months long. With 12 weeks of lectures, and 12 weeks outreach. One month...
Why a blog?! 0_o

Why a blog?! 0_o

I want to start creating a blog, so that, even if no one ever sees it, it is somewhere where I can document my life in Thailand to create more transparency for my supporters, in a less formal, more frequent way. I hope to post a lot of photos!:D