I’m trying to be more present. Y’all. You know it’s hard! I’m juggling 1,001 things and attempting to reduce the volume on the tyranny of urgent tasks. Must answer emails. Check facebook. Pinterest. Planning. Feed the dog. Fold the clothes. Make food. Wash dishes. Renew car insurance. Get visa photos. The dog wants to come inside again.. … this list could really go on and on.


Then in front of me is the gorgeous Cora-Horizon. Her mischievous smile touches her beautifully-eye-lash-laden eyes in the most contagious way. The world is completely new to her. And, for me too through her experiences. I turned off the podcast episode as we walked around our neighborhood today. Instead, Cora and I talked. And talked. We delighted in red-bodied-dragonflies; squinted and pointed at the plane flying across the too-bright sky; we made nature tacos out of fallen flower blooms and dried out leaves. This discovery of the magic in mundane moments is so beautiful to behold in my new-momma heart.