by Carla | Aug 22, 2019 | Feelings
I’m trying to be more present. Y’all. You know it’s hard! I’m juggling 1,001 things and attempting to reduce the volume on the tyranny of urgent tasks. Must answer emails. Check facebook. Pinterest. Planning. Feed the dog. Fold the clothes. Make food. Wash...
by Keegan | Sep 29, 2015 | Christian, Feelings, YWAM
Recently I (Keegan) have been going through a mini-reawakening on the Bible front. I think that this happens every so often to most of us (unless you’re one of those super awesome people who don’t get behind on their Bible reading), and when I go through...
by Keegan | Aug 30, 2015 | Create International, Feelings, filmmaking, School of Frontier Media
I’ve recently been musing about why exactly do I do what I do? Maybe a wee bit of why Create (place where I work) actually even has training programmes. It’s a pretty simple explanation. Create seeks to see the world’s most unreached people groups...
by Carla | Feb 1, 2015 | Feelings
Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jesus. And, as Jesus became more the center of her life, the more beautiful that life became. I know that I have not written with the frequency and intensity that I once planned, and I apologize for that. Sometimes living...