Hey guys!

Jeepers it’s been some time since I wrote a post, I’m not very good at this whole blog thing am I?

So there is a tonne going on right now! I’m still setting up the School of Frontier Media school, which will be running from the 30th of June till the 12th of December. By-and-large the majority of my time is spent slowly but surely preparing for the school. At this time we have a number of interested students, including three DTS students, another staff member and possibly four others who are very interested. I also have an interested staff member which is awesome, God is certainly pulling out all the stops! 

Please continue to pray for the applications to come through, as well as at least one more staff, particularly one who has actually done the SFM. We will also need to get lecturers, so prayer on that front would be awesome.
In regards to the SFM, it would also be cool if you could “like” and share on all those silly social sites, that would be a great way of getting the word out! 
The website page will be updated soon but you can find it here: http://www.createthailand.com/en/training/school-of-frontier-media
Another biggy right now is Create Thailand’s move! We are really just moving, practically, down the road, but man is there a lot of work that has to go into it! The three sections are really not ready for us, they don’t even have front doors or aircon, yikes! But we will be moving over March, so we will be doing some pretty new fundraising-type of things to get us there, more on that another time. Until then, everyone is working full-speed ahead on all fronts here at Create 🙂
One of the nice things about moving is the opportunity to make a fresh start in how the classroom functions, something that is particularly important to me. I am looking forward to making the SFM classroom an exciting place to learn about cross-cultural filmmaking, as the work starts to pick up pace, I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated. But, hopefully, later on I can ask you guys to hhelp with making the classroom all snazzy-like.
Okay so the last bit of big news! I am most certainly lacking some experience both in leading YWAM schools, or just staffing schools in general, as well as on-set work with the actual filming, last year being my first and only time on a Create film set. So I’m wanting to go to Nepal, to another Create project being run by another base (in other words, not Thailand). I really think that this would be a great time to grow, in so many ways! The dates are not totally set, I’m hoping to attend a conference here in Thailand beforehand, but hopefully the dates all work out. Whilst there I’ll need to get a new visa too, which can be a bit of a nervous time, and will make the trip a bit more complicated, but hey, God has this.
Please continue to pray for this trip, it has an exceedingly large amount of pros, but at the same time it does take off a month of school prep. I want to give my students the absolute best experience so walking this decision is a bit of a tight-rope experience. 
All-in-all, life here with Create Thailand has been good. Working full-time with our God is something that is certainly extraordinary, and I’m grateful for you guys coming along for the ride. 
I’m not totally set with finances really, to be honest, so if you feel the Lord leading you to give or help out, then go here: http://digitalkeegan.wix.com/keeganwest#!contact/c16fm
Hey but recently we found a nice new place to eat, which is pretty snazzy! I love the B.L.A.T. We can’t really go there too much, but it really is super nice, check it out!