So DTS is finished! For those who don’t know, all of those who join YWAM, whether a student, a doctor, or a garbage disposal guy, go through a Discipleship Training School. My one was six months long. With 12 weeks of lectures, and 12 weeks outreach. One month of which I went to Myanmar. But it’s all over and done with now. I had my graduation last night, was given my little certificate, and had iced tea later in the night with my team. Done. The following is what I read out on the night.

I thoroughly enjoyed our multitude of forays into darkness. Chiang Mai outreach, a brilliant start, truely enthralled with our man of the cloth. Our time in Mae Hong Son was great work, sweaty and hard, a good testing of teamwork. Myanmar was a mind warp! God is redeemer, deliverer, pursuer. Conferences was worldview changing. Fang had the ring of solidarity.  The world is darker, more dangerous, more blind, more in need, more distraught, enslaved, and struck down. Lost and forgotten. The world is brighter, it fights for freedom and light, it is more extravagant in vision, more complex in makeup, it is stronger and more powerful. It’s love for God is beginning to overflow, it is more inspired, more loving, more caring, more beautiful. Christ, the bridegroom, enthralled, excited, pursuing, rescuing, redeeming, wooing, joyful, proud, and unimaginably in love with His bride. All glory and honour to him.