So I made it back to Thailand!

Jeepers creepers was that an interesting time traveling back to Chiang Mai, Thailand. First stop was Auckland, where I managed to catch up with some old DTS friends, as well as some old Lifeway mates which was just brilliant. This was all because my lovely friend Che hosted me during the time, gave a me a couch to sleep on and trips to and from the airport, couldn’t have done it without her, so thank God for awesome friends who last! Next stop was Bangkok after a quick stopover in Singapore. Here I got to spend time with three old DTS friends, Noon, Sun, and Julia, and we had a great day getting coffee, and help set up Noon, and Suns new shop/cafe, which was good fun. I arrived at 11:30 Wednesday night in Chiang Mai and was picked up by two just brilliant friends, Penny and Sarah, who had also welcomed me with some bedding. Bedding, my word, what a blessing!!

I started work the next day, and got to see all my old friends and work colleagues, generally just a day full of smiles and hugs. It’s been a good time of just getting settled, I unpacked properly yesterday, caught up on two months of finances, and today (Sunday) I’ll be off to buy milk, bread, peanut butter etc. Wow is it good to be back!!

Thanks to all of those who gave generously whilst I was back in New Zealand, jeepers was I caught off guard, thank you again!!

So I’m jumping head first into preparing for the School of Frontier Media, I’m going to have a squiz at a possible classroom this Monday I think, and we’ve begun the whole advertising section, getting the word out that the school is running!! I’ve got a few pieces of work here and there to finish off from last year, but in general, the SFM is the big deal, and will be the entire year.

As an aside though, I would like to say something a bit harder. When I was back in NZ the plan was to attempt to find some regular supporters for my missions work over here, and in general I was pretty bad at it all, and only really found one supporter. This was such a huge blessing for me, as it is my first regular supporter, and as really helped the whole issue. Unfortunately it isn’t quite enough to cover my costs. So if anyone was thinking about it, or if you know of anyone who would like to support me, then please pray about it and ask God about it. It could be as little as $1 a day, the amount isn’t so important as the regular-ness of it:) I would love to come along you guys on this adventure with God, so give it some thought if you support the work that’s being done here at Create 🙂 Feel free to email me with questions at or go here: Donation Info

Anywhoo, thanks again for all those who have been praying, and those who gave, or shouted me coffee (or even dinner!?), you were awesome and it made the whole trip that much better.

God bless,