God speaks to us in a multitude of ways. I am especially encouraged when God uses repetition to confirm or lead me.
Recently I found myself in a Starbucks. The way I wrote that I am sure it sounds like I was QUITE surprised to be there—like I slept-walked in my pink fuzzy robe, hair askew, and sporting brightly patterned house slippers. Not exactly. This was a premeditated trip.
I began reading my daily bible section and read a verse that makes me giggle. Well, not out loud, but in my head. It is found in Exodus 23:19b and reads: Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. Perhaps you are bewildered at my amusement over this verse. I am not sure of the exact verse’s meaning, but it carries significance for me.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I know God can speak to us in any number of ways. I am also reminded of the dangers in taking God’s words out of context. I am sure we have all experienced this in varying degrees. Well, one day I learned about a technique for hearing God nicknamed a “Lucky Dip.” What is a lucky dip? This is when one flips haphazardly through and randomly opens a bible to a particular page and passage and verse to see what God has to say.
Again, I want to emphasize that I am not saying God cannot speak to us this way. One day a dear friend employed the “Lucky Dip” technique and found herself reading the previously mentioned verse about not cooking a young goat in its mother’s milk. We laughed at the seeming randomness of this verse. That situation and verse speak to me about commitment. I am committed to knowing God’s Will and God’s Character through studying the Bible. I want to know God more, and God speaks to me in my daily pursuit of knowing Him. I am always listening for God’s whispers and the things He wants to share with me. Encouraging you to listen too because God has so much He wants to share with you.