Showing James how to draw smiley faces in Pattaya, Thailand

Hello! Sa-wa-dee-kah (Thailand) ! Sa-by-dee (Cambodia)! Namaste (India)! Shalom (Israel)! Greetings from around the world! I hope that this post finds you and your family well and ready for this autumn season. First, I confess that I am terrifically excited to be sharing with you all the things that God has been doing in my life, especially about this next season.  I am learning that God rarely does the same thing twice and following Him is one of the most exhilarating, rewarding journeys I have ever experienced (and can be a little scary at times)!  I hope you have a few minutes to read about the exciting things God has been revealing to me, and allow me to share with you where I believe God is taking me.

What have I been doing?

The last seven months have spanned a myriad of different countries and countless ministry opportunities. I started in New Zealand with YWAM’s Around the World Discipleship Training School. I then traveled throughout Southeast Asia participating in a multitude of ministry opportunities. From teaching English classes to women working in the sex industry in Thailand, to Rice planting with a family in Laos, all the way to conversations with Muslim shop keepers about my faith in Egypt—I experienced people and places that I never could have dreamed before! In August I graduated in Jerusalem, Israel. Through this season I have learned much more about who God is and I have seen firsthand His Kingdom throughout the world.  I have been learning how to share what God has done in my life with people who speak different languages through: teaching art classes, sermons, prayers, dramas, relationships, cups of coffee, smiles and high fives. The Lord has ignited in my heart a passion for His people all over the world.

What is next?                 

A season of equipping is ahead. When I look at my heart I find a hunger to continue learning more about God and desire to prepare for longer term missions. An opportunity has presented itself to attend a school focused on Strategic Missions. This school is also through YWAM, and is a course created to not only equip individuals but also help connect with ministries based on the individual, location, duration, and project. The curriculum includes:

Biblical Basis for Missions, Strategic Missions Thinking (4th era missions), Developing Communities, Biblical Worldview, Spiritual Warfare, Domains/Spheres of Society (Old Testament Template), Church Planting, Mobilization (of the global Body of Christ for the unreached),  Urban Missions, Fear of the Lord/Interpreting the Word of the Lord, Identity, calling, working in a team,  Transformational Leadership, Language Learning & Evangelism/contextualization, Pioneering new ministries, and History of Mission

How can you be involved?

1.       Most importantly you can give your prayers.

I treasure your prayers—these are profoundly important to me. Thank you for partnering with me in this! Please pray Ephesians 1:18 -19 That the eyes of my heart  may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which he has called me, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints and the incomparably great power for those who believe. 2 Timothy 1: 7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power of love and of self discipline. Please pray that I would walk and rest in God’s strength and my passion to know Jesus would deepen.  

 2. You can provide financial support.

I believe that God has called me to the YWAM School of Strategic Missions. I also know that when God wants you somewhere He provides. I trust Him. An important way you can be involved and actively participate in mission work is through giving. You may not go physically on a mission journey, but by partnering with me through prayer or financial support or both, you go with me. The total cost of this School of Strategic Missions is approximately $4400 (see financial breakdown on right hand margin link).

No matter what amount you are able to give, please know that every dollar is appreciated and gratefully received. Please do not feel obligated. I send this letter to you as invitation to be a part of what God is doing in my life and I am delighted to be journeying with you in whatever capacity you feel led.

You can give online at Brentwood Baptists secure website: and click on Mission Journeys. You will see the mission journey link. Just follow the on-line instructions to make your donation OR You can mail a check to: 

Brentwood Baptist Church

For Carla Brunsell

7777 Concord Road

Brentwood, TN 37027

I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for your support. This is not a journey that I can make alone, and I cannot do this without you. You have received this letter because I know that you will be faithful to pray and faithful to respond.  

If you would like to continue to receive updates and prayer requests please e-mail me. My blog is another great way to read about updates.

Blessings and love to you,

Carla Brunsell

You can also find me on Facebook!