Me dressed up as “Sunshine”, Emma the Zebra, and Rene the Statue of Liberty! 
On Tuesday night there was a “Meet and Greet” between the local church and the Y group. On this particular day I journeyed to the Tuesday night market, and was unfortunately, late in getting to the event.  I arrived and had a time of talking with local church members, mostly expatriates and from England. Eating tasty little food bites, and sipping juice from a plastic cup. I’m trying to balance my plastic plate on my lap and not spill the juice sitting firmly by my right foot on the floor while talking to those around me. Mary, the pastor’s wife, announced that it was a time of testimonies.
Not having discussed who would share previously, we all looked around at one another. You can relate, I am sure. The quick eye movements to one another that communicate the, “Are you going to go? Orr…. Should I go? Because… someone HAS to share.”  Well, I shared a part of my story last week and was pretty certain that I was going to be quiet this week. Wrong. I know that it is time to share when my heart starts beating a little fast and begins to feel, well, a stirred up.
Seth, another Y’er, shared a piece of his story: Life without God had no meaning, and in finding God more intimately, found more of who he was and the amazing adventure that God has in store for him. Awesome!
I heard a wise person once say that they always start with scripture. In beginning with God’s word you start with truth. Whereas my own words are subject to my views, opinions, and perspective, so I started with Matthew 14:22-33. This is the story of when Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him on the boat to cross the Sea of Galilee.  Later that night? Jesus walks across the water and this SCARES all the disciples! They think He is a GHOST! Jesus immediately assures them that it is Him. Peter, boldly beckons Jesus to invite him onto the water. And? Jesus does! Peter steps out of the boat and onto the water (not into but ONTO!) The distractions that come after Peter begins walking toward Jesus cause him to sink. But, as soon as Peter calls out for Jesus? Jesus is there to help Peter back into the boat. What an adventure! This is the scripture that God gave me before I walked away from my life as I knew it in Nashville TN to begin embarking on this God-sized journey across the world. My challenge to those present was, “What are you talking to God about? What is that comfortable place or thing or relationship that God has invited you to step boldly away from to get closer to Him? He is saying come to you.
Later, I was washing up some dishes with a woman named Rosie. I told her that I have a sister I call Rosie—these are always the first words out of my mouth if someone’s name is either Rose or Tiffany (my little sister). She told me she was praying about her living arrangement and that God had used me to speak directly to her. Isn’t that cool? So, not only did I get to be a part of what God was doing in her heart through sharing, I also got to pray with her while we were washing and drying those lovely dishes.