Earlier this morning my older sister and I were texting. Iphones have that really great Imessage feature so we were texting one another and it was as if we were on opposite sides of the room. However, I was not even in the same country! I am sitting in Thailand during a monsoon warning. What a surprise! My first introduction to the word monsoon came from my childhood.
When I was little the movie “Jumanji” came out—a movie starring Robin Williams about an ancient game being activated when a new game was started and blurred the lines of fantasy and reality. The game ends up being for life and death. During one of the character’s turns they roll to pick up a card. The card read something to the effect, “look out because soon you will be in a monsoon.” Together with the character I learned the meaning of the word—a deluge, flood—LOTS OF RAIN! 
I was surprised at the way the water pooled with the rapid onslaught of rain and alternatively relieved when the ground swallowed it up! Monsoon warnings and preparations for India. I was reading John 15:5 when Jesus shares with his disciples:
 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

And I am reminded the importance of abiding in God. That is my word this week: abide. Monsoon or no monsoon. The choice to abide belongs to you.