So we’re in the middle of the School of Frontier Media now! The students are going super well, albeit a bit of finance and visa issues. God is great though, and we see Him moving on a daily basis, for that we are grateful. The last two week s have been astoundingly busy, first is was a week of production training, learning skills such as set lighting, audio, and makeup and costuming!
Then the week that just passed we had Steve come in and teach us Directing which was awesome! Steve is a good friend of mine, and it had been too long since I last saw him!
We are now getting ready to begin the process of raising funds for our outreach, as we know where we’re going! So we’ll be off at the end of September to go make a film for an unreached people group with our newly trained students! I’m very excited to get out there!
During production week I also made my way to Laos to sort out my new visa, which was a nice experience, which you can have a looksie at through the power of auto-made film on Google+!!
In an effort to also be more open about what’s going on with the ministry as a whole, and not just myself, I’m going to be dropping in more and more related material into these updates. Starting off with our latest newsletter which just came out!
Check it out here: Create International Newsletter
There you’ll find some great articles on what’s going on in the ministry, as well as an exclusive download, for a limited time, a two minute version of: Reaching the Muslim World: Sowing Seeds of Hope.
One more thing!
In an effort to stay more transparent with my financial situation, I recently made the decision to make it public knowledge of my student loan, and more specifically, how much I actually have owed. Slowly but surely I’m chipping away at this, and I am quite realistic in the knowledge that I’ll have this puppy for some time. That being said, I have made it possible for you to contribute specifically towards my loan, because why not!?
So on my website you’ll now find this:
As you can see, I have made some movement in my paying it, generally because of some opportunities given to me to raise funds for the loan in particular. You can find this page here: Contact and Giving page
I’m hoping that updating this, and keeping it in the open will enable me to have a kind of accountability, knowing that it will be public knowledge whether I’m paying this off or not! If you’d like to help me cast this weight off my missions work, and give financially, you can go here: Student Loan Help
That’s it! Till next time, bless you guys!