Softly as I fold and roll my clothes I sing, “…leavvvvinggg. On. A. jet plane… don’t know. When I’ll be back aaagaiin.” I don’t know any other words of the song and I continue like a mimic doll on repeat. Well, I do mix up the word emphasis to keep it fresh.
pack, pack, packing…
Tomorrow as dawn spills forth to usher in the day? I will be beginning my journey to Thailand. A bus. A plane. Another plane. Then one more. To arrive some time later in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Can I gush for a moment? God is SO amazing the way He knows us! The way God calls us each by name! Oh, the way God loves us! I’m thrilled (joyous, exuberant, EXCITED) about partnering with God in media creation.
I’m still processing through this transition.
Aware of the change I am going through right now.
Though amazing? Transition is a challenging period of time. By the sheer grace of God, this has been a peaceful, reflective and tender time. I’ve been able to say, “see you later’s!” to the people I have come to love because I don’t like goodbyes. And have had time spend with God. This makes ALL the difference for me.
I was praying this morning and I wanted to share what God spoke to me.
You know when you do the hard things? Those activities and endeavors that propel us INTO trusting God because they are simply too big for us to rely solely on ourselves to fulfill? Anxiety tried to creep into my person—this is the last day in Central Asia for me. I have much to do and am walking into a NEW thing, into some unknowns. Exciting? YES! A little frightening? Maybe.
This morning God said, “Beloved? You have a choice to make. You can live in a place of trust, or of doubt. I’ve got you. You know you can trust me. But you have to choose.”
The decision is mine. I suspect this will be a daily question as I walk this revelation out more. Today I choose trust in God. You want to know something else? Tomorrow I am going to choose the same! God, as long as I have known Him, has never let me down. Never.
Wherever you are? You have this very choice to make each day too. You can choose to live in trust or live in doubt. When I think about standing in a place of trust with God? I imagine myself cupped in God’s hands.
He knows the details of your life more intimately than you ever could. God is more FOR you than you have the capacity to ever be for yourself.
Trust or doubt. The choice belongs to you AND you get to decide. How incredible is that?
This really resonates with me as I say my goodbyes to New Zealand and return to Canada. It's hard! Thanks for the word from the Lord about the decision to trust. So good. I am praying for you as you transition. You're gonna make it. I know it!