So the time has finally come! The School of Frontier Media has started! Jeepers it seemed like it would never come, and then after Nepal, it seemed as if it just appeared out of no where, so I subsequently planned a lot, but it feels as if I did no preparation at all…

Because the school has started, I can give some final details as well! First of all, we have a total of six students, which is a great number to have for this kind of school, and I have two wonderful staff! We do know where we are going for outreach, but for now that’s a bit of a secret!

For those just tuning in, I am leading a cross-cultural filmmaking school here in Thailand that is part of the University of the Nations. You can find out more info here: School of Frontier Media Plus you can find a picture there of me with a smaller beard, man I look odd….

The first real school-orientated event was a welcome breakfast we had the Sunday before last, which went really well! We made pancakes, and had some wonderful Norwegian brown cheese with it (along with all the usual suspects) plus scrambled eggs and nice fruit etc. A huge number of people showed up to welcome the SFM, and the Visual Arts for Missions school, which is a school running alongside ours, to Create.

The following week we had our first full week, and we focused on God’s Heart for the World presented by Calvin on Cross-Cultural Communications. And then this Week we’ve had Carol teach on Media for Missions and how it can change nations.
Needless to say we are very busy right now! I do think that school is going well though, and I’m very grateful to those who have been praying for me during this time! I also wanted to say thank you to those who have been financially supporting me, because of your obedience to God you are now helping multiply the workers for His kingdom, how cool is that!?
Please continue to pray for the school, a number of them will be pushed to their limits over the coming weeks, and many are needing financial help to complete the school. Some pretty tough situations, but we serve a big God! 
If you want to follow the school on Facebook you can go here: SFM Thailand There you can find out what we’re up to, see pictures, and watch some related videos etc. pretty nifty stuff, and we’ll be updating it regularly, so go ahead and click that follow button! 
You guys are awesome!