Reflections and words from our lectures about the Father heart of God last week with Richard Jones and Helen Bately:
We’re called to childlike trust. Revelation of God as Father is worth giving it ALL for– Gods’ love is both life-giving, and life-changing.
There is a hunger for this revelation of God’s love for me not only as head knowledge but in my heart.
Women and men are made in the image of God (Gen 1:27, and Eph 3:17-19). When things are wrong, we sometimes get mixed up. We hide behind facades of drugs, sarcasm, jokes, titles, and/or positions (ect. ect.) These are modern day fig leaves.  God wants to restore that which is broken. When we know that we are loved? We are unshakable.  When you are covered by love, you are free to be you.
Father God is irresponsible and extravagant with His forgiveness. He is radical in the way he loves us. His love is offensive! His love is the same for an abused child as it is for the abuser. Father God’s love is SCANDALOUS!  WOW!
I am reflecting on the realization that we sometimes must first come to low places of desperation before we can receive His love and HOWEVER it comes.
The INSTANT response of Father’s heart is compassion. He runs to us and THROWS His arms around you. Father God embraces our brokenness and our sin. We can come to him anywhere, anytime, anyplace regardless of success or failure. Because of what Jesus did? You and I can go directly to our Father.
I was praying for the team I am journeying with to Southeast Asia: Thailand, India, and Cambodia. I look at our group and cannot help but wonder how we will learn to grow together. How we will challenge one another, and love one another.  Wondering about the impact we will make and how we will be impacted.
Surprises this week:
Experiencing EXTREME joy in walking all around barefoot here in New Zealand.
Embracing AND enjoying instant coffee!!
Vulnerability in both knowing and being know.
God’s extravagant love!