Every few moments there is an announcement that comes over the intercom system “Attention passengers: now boarding flight Qf….”or “final call for….” I am sitting in the Sydney Airport in Sydney Australia after safely landing. Deep breath. I drink the strong coffee I have purchased with my $5 bill. I received two Australian coins in return, and am not sure if the change is correct or if it isn’t. Honestly? I don’t care so very much, as I am quite thrilled to have a cup of coffee in my hand. Oh, how I enjoy coffee!! Not only the coffee, but also the conversations that can result. There is something terrifically special about gathering in a place to talk and drink coffee together. I would advise anyone to not turn down a coffee outing proposals—just go! So, right now I type feverishly for a two reasons: 1.) my layover is lengthy here, and 2.) I don’t have a converter to plug my laptop in to recharge here – this piece of equipment is in my checked baggage! Hahaha!
The flight from Nashville to Los Angeles was great. I sat next to two kind young men. One is in a Christian band, Daniel, and the other was traveling to Australia to help with signing facilitation for some conferences in Australia, Zach. I told them to elbow me if I started snoring. Those who know me have probably heard me confess that sleeping is my super power. Anywhere. Anytime. I notice that when I am sleeping in an object that is moving (plane, train, auto) the sleep never seems to count the same! Most of the way to LA I slept. We talked about the book I started reading Radical by David Platt. A book recommended and given to me before I left. The book is about taking back your faith from the American dream. I am enjoying it so far, and am sure to have thoughts that I share with you later. I didn’t get woken up to an elbow during this leg of my journey!
From Los Angeles to Sydney I was seated next to a very nice gentleman, named Marshall. He was traveling to Australia with his family to visit his son. He was most kind about getting up when I needed to use the laboratory, or just walk around, and snagging a menu or bottle of water for me while I was zonked out. Again, I slept most of the way. The food was super tasty—I had some kind of fish for dinner and then after a few naps had some raisin bran and pineapple for breakfast. YUM!
Both flights have reminded me about the importance of kindness. I see in the eyes of travel wary men and women, a deep fatigue. They are plugged into their devices and not very receptive to any extra human contact although most are quite ready for a smile or a “how are you today?”. I cannot help but laugh because as I type this from my laptop in the airport lounge area, as I am plugged into my computer. (I did spend some time phone sitting for an Elissa who was journeying to France for skiing).
Even though my layover here in Australia is lengthy? I just don’t have a desire to journey into Australia. Yes, I know that Australia has got to be beautiful and what an opportunity. And? The last few weeks have been SO full getting ready… I find peace in just sitting in the airport right now. Typing, reading, people-watching, being. I am having great thoughts and wonderings about the next part of my journey. I am so excited!
I am thankful for all of you, and hope you are doing well!
Love and blessings to you all!